Dev Technology Recognized As A Top Workplace Nine Years In A Row

“Dev Technology is committed to putting people in leadership positions that care about the well-being of both the company and the staff. I have never been anywhere that has such a welcoming and team-oriented culture.” – employee survey comment
The words welcoming, united, diverse, and team-oriented were just a few of the reasons Dev Technology has been awarded a 2022 Top Workplaces honor by the Washington Post for the ninth consecutive year. The results of this distinguished honor came from a survey administered by Energage, LLC, who The Washingont Post parters with to gain these insights. Winners are based solely on employee feedback, statements, and quotes.
There’s no surprise that Dev Technology has been selected for this award for the past nine years. Dev has a welcoming culture that has been growing exponentially in a demanding market. One employee wrote: “Dev recognizes employees for their efforts and accomplishments. Employee’s contributions are acknowledged in meetings; team members are encouraged to share ideas and opinions in a supportive environment.” The close-knit relationship between management and employees has proven to be essential for the success Dev Technology has experienced. Responding to questions from the survey, other Dev professionals answered by highlighting the superb and inclusive management team.
- “My manager expresses to me that she values my work. I feel valued as a team member. I trust and admire the leadership at Dev Technology.”
- “Management is close, friendly, and lets employees know where they stand. Appreciation is key.”
Dev Technology CEO, Kendall Holbrook, reported how honored she felt to be surrounded by an amazing cohort of employees. “I am humbled and amazed that Dev Technology is a Top Workplace for the ninth year in a row. Making the list is a testament to the value that our employees see in the culture we fight to maintain and improve year after year as we grow. I want to thank each and every one of them for working with such dedication to support our clients’ missions, while being great to one another and engaged in company initiatives.”
Dev Technology provides IT services for systems that impact the safety of American citizens daily. Our people-centric philosophy, and commitment to trust have allowed employees to feel at home and go above and beyond the line of duty. Read more about the Washington Post’s Top Workplaces and see the complete list of this year’s honorees here.

Daniel Croyle
Former Talent Acquisition and Business Development/Marketing Intern
Dev Technology